Advantages of sesame oil
Sesame oil offers several advantages. This is often used in the kitchen as well as for hair care, skin care, etc. It is also used in several ayurvedic medicines and also for the treatment of several conditions.
On Skin
This oil can be easily absorbed by the skin and therefore used to massage the body. It is an antioxidant and helps to neutralize free radicals in skin tissues. Sesame oil soothes sunburn. This has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. This article is used in the treatment of fungal diseases such as athlete’s foot. For the treatment of vaginal infections caused by yeast, it is showered with lukewarm water.
On Hair
This oil can be used to massage the scalp as other hair oils. The regular use of sesame oil helps to darken the color of the hair. It is believed that sesame oil reduces hair loss and body heat. This article is also used in the treatment of dry dandruff and also the bacteria responsible for dandruff.

On Arterial pressure
The vitamin present in sesame oil E is an excellent antioxidant. This vitamin helps to lower blood pressure levels and also in maintaining low cholesterol levels. Sesame oil is a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and therefore, can be used in control blood pressure. This oil can be used for cooking for those who suffer from high cholesterol levels.
As Traction oil
In Ayurveda, the method of traction oil is used. Only a few oils are suggested for traction oil and this oil is one of them. Traction oil is used for oil rustle of the mouth. This process helps to maintain oral as well as body health. This method is also used to reduce enamel wear to gastric acid that occurs due to bulimic and hangover conditions.
Nutritional value of sesame oil
This oil has several nutrients that promote the health of the body. The polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E (antioxidant) are present in this oil. Is less than the nutritional value of sesame oil.
Calories – 120
Calories from fat – 122
Lipids – 14 g
Vitamin K – 22%
Vitamin E – 4%
Saturated Fat – 71%